Monday, 9 March 2015

Forcasting a hot topics of applied mathematics and statistics for prediction of future event in business, environment, economics and in real life that provide an useful tools to know what may happen in future.

Memories of past is easy. Describing present is more easy. But it is too much hard and complex to know abot future. But in our real life, in our business, in new context of economy it is important to a clear imagination about future. Assessment of future can provide more authentic way of making decision. This assessment of future is termed as future prediction. Now the question, how you will be predict the nearby future? In applied mathematics and statistics there introduces a term that is called forcasting. Forcasting is a techniques of future prediction. In a business organization a marketing manager have to do forcasting to know what will be the demand of the manufactured product in next future. A production manager also to do forcasting to know next demand for an appropriate production. An environmental scientists must have to do forcasting to know the next environmental condition what likely to happen. In our real life we also do forcasting. Forecasting are done by mathematical and statistical method. It exactly based on the past data. In order to forcasting first past data of several years are allocated. These data are analyse and organised. By analysing these data forcasting is made.