According to to General theory of relativity, Event horizon is a
spacetime region beyond which events can not affact an outside
According to Layman, Event horizon is defined as a shel of Point of no return.
What happens in the region of black holes event horizon. In event
horizon the gravitational poll of massive object becomes so great that
causes no return or escape impossible.
Simply Event horizon can define as the boundary of black hole from
where nothing can escape.
Though, at first the conception of event horizon is emerged from the
general theory of relativity, it is incomplete else.
The present pucture of event horizon is not similar with the event
horizon predicted by general theory of relativity.
Considering Quantum mechanics and general theory of relativity, the
present picture of event horizon is different from predicted pucture.
Event horizon possess temperature and radiates energy. This emition of
energy is called Hawking radiation.
How black hole possess temperature is discussed in black hole thermpdynamics.
Space around the particle filled with matter and energy is caused by
Unrich effect.
In prder to a complete discription of event horizon is quantum
gravity, and loop quantum gravity.
spacetime region beyond which events can not affact an outside
According to Layman, Event horizon is defined as a shel of Point of no return.
What happens in the region of black holes event horizon. In event
horizon the gravitational poll of massive object becomes so great that
causes no return or escape impossible.
Simply Event horizon can define as the boundary of black hole from
where nothing can escape.
Though, at first the conception of event horizon is emerged from the
general theory of relativity, it is incomplete else.
The present pucture of event horizon is not similar with the event
horizon predicted by general theory of relativity.
Considering Quantum mechanics and general theory of relativity, the
present picture of event horizon is different from predicted pucture.
Event horizon possess temperature and radiates energy. This emition of
energy is called Hawking radiation.
How black hole possess temperature is discussed in black hole thermpdynamics.
Space around the particle filled with matter and energy is caused by
Unrich effect.
In prder to a complete discription of event horizon is quantum
gravity, and loop quantum gravity.